Repairing Double Bubble after Breast Augmentation
If you want to enhance your figure and enjoy a fuller, more proportionate bust line, you may be considering breast augmentation. This treatment can be a great option, particularly since it involves negligible risks. In some cases, however, you can develop certain complications, such as “double bubble.” This occurs when an implant shifts after placement, creating a second bulge above or below your breast. Although the condition will not affect your health, it can have negative consequences for your appearance. At Mesna Plastic Surgery, we offer several options to repair double bubbles, giving you the enhanced, natural look that you desire. To learn more about breast implant revision and double bubble deformity, contact our Minneapolis practice today.
What Is Double Bubble?
There are actually two types of double bubble. If your implant shifts upwards, you will develop an upper pole double bubble. It is most likely to happen if you receive an implant that is unusually high in your breast. Upper pole double bubbles may appear right after your surgery if your implant does not settle into the normal pocket. In other cases, your breasts may start to droop over the years, but your implants will remain in their higher positions.
A lower pole double bubble occurs when the implant falls lower than it should, creating a bulge below your breast line. This type of deformity can occur if a surgeon removes too much natural breast tissue during surgery. In other cases, however, it can develop simply because gravity causes the implant to fall over the years.
Repairing the Double Bubble Deformity
Dr. Mesna can repair double bubble deformity in several ways. If you have a lower pole double bubble, he may create a small incision in your breast crease. Through this opening, he can place small sutures to lift the implant and tighten your breast tissue. If the double bubble has not affected the overall shape of your breast, Dr. Mesna may reposition the implants, moving them from below your pectoral muscles to the top of these muscles. In other, more dramatic cases, he may recommend a breast lift, often at the same time that he repositions the implants.
Dr. Mesna will choose the right corrective option for you, based on the type and severity of your double bubble. If the deformity appeared right after your surgery, he may suggest that you wait before undergoing revision surgery. In some cases, double bubbles can improve on their own. You may not require any further surgery, or you may benefit from a more conservative option.
Reducing Your Risks for Double Bubble
Double bubble is far less likely to happen when you choose an experienced surgeon like Dr. Mesna. He will know the most appropriate depth for implant placement. Additionally, he can choose the right type of implants for your needs. Saline implants are more likely to cause double bubble because they are heavier and more likely to fall lower into your breasts. Nevertheless, this complication is fairly rare, so you should consider other factors when choosing the type of implants for you. Dr. Mesna will examine your breast tissue and discuss your treatment goals to help you make an informed decision.
Restore Your Figure with Dr. Mesna
There is no reason to be embarrassed by a double bubble. Contact our office today to learn more about revision surgery.