Frown Lines: Treatment Options to Consider
You may notice that as time passes, the skin on your forehead is not quite as smooth as it once was. While this may be a source of anxiety, this is simply a natural condition that is solely cosmetic. Dr. Gregory T. Mesna has helped many patients in and around Minneapolis with these issues, performing brow lift surgery for these unsightly lines on the forehead as well as providing patients with ample information about non-surgical treatments. We'd like to discuss these issues in a bit more detail right now.
The Causes of Frown Lines
While stress and/or anger are typically associated with the development of frown lines, excessive exposure to the sun is also a trigger for the development of frown lines. As we grow older, the sun breaks down essential components of our skin, thus making us more prone to developing thinner skin that eventually leads to frown lines.
While these frown lines are not life threatening in the least, these can also have a profound impact on a person's self-confidence. If this is the case for you as you begin to notice frown lines on your forehead, there are a number of treatments you can consider to remedy this condition.
Lotions and Creams for Wrinkles
Skin creams are available to patients who are experiencing minor frown lines. These are typically topical retinoid treatments and are only available to patients with a prescription. If you would like to try a skin cream, consult your dermatologist or a skin care specialist.
Skin Resurfacing and Microdermabrasion
Your dermatologist may also recommend an abrasive treatment, which involves the removal of dead layers of skin on your forehead. This may accelerate the growth of healthy skin cells and reduce the effects of frown lines going forward. Laser skin resurfacing and microdermabrasion are two such options to consider.
Facial Plastic Surgery
Facial plastic surgery may also be an option if other treatments have proven ineffective. The most common surgery for frown lines is the brow lift, which helps smooth out the surface of the forehead and eliminates lines. Incisions are hidden along and within the patient's hairline.
Cosmetic Injections and Filler Treatments
Cosmetic injections are substances that improve aesthetics without the need for surgery. During treatment, the surgeon will inject a dermal filler in the ridges of your frown lines to make the areas look more plump, thus reducing the cosmetic effects of a frown line. Before proceeding, your surgeon will determine which kind of fillers would be best for you.
Preventing Frown Lines
Over time, the stress you experience may begin to cause frown lines on your brow. Chronic stress, in particular, is a great source of frown lines. While there are a number of ways a patient would need to address stress, there are a number of lifestyle changes a patient can make to slow the effects of frown lines, including relaxation and meditation.
If you are a smoker, you should consider quitting, as smoking accelerates the development of frown lines. You may also want to consider a diet change, as certain eating habits can also put additional stress on your body, causing frown lines.
Learn More About Advanced Cosmetic Surgery Options
To learn more about all of your treatment options for forehead lines and other facial wrinkles, we encourage you to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery center today. Our entire team looks forward to your visit and helping you look your very best.