Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

How to Reduce Scars after Breast Augmentation

Jun 26, 2012 @ 10:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

For our patients in Minneapolis, breast augmentation scars are a major concern. Patients want to achieve the feminine contours of their dreams, but do not want their new curves to be marred by scars. Unfortunately, any surgery will result in some amount of scarring. This holds true even for cosmetic surgery procedures. However, the vast majority of patients who undergo breast augmentation express that the enhancements in the shape and size of their breasts make up for any scarring that resulted from their breast augmentation surgery.

Because of advancements in breast augmentation surgical techniques, breast implants can now be placed through smaller incisions than ever before. These smaller incisions result in less visible scarring and faster healing for the patient. Another way that Minneapolis plastic surgeon Gregory T. Mesna minimizes scarring after breast augmentation is by making discreet incisions. As a result of these new advanced surgical techniques, most patients experience a minimal amount of scarring after their breast augmentation. Even so, some patients still feel self-conscious of their appearance because of scarring. Fortunately, there are simple ways to reduce the appearance of scars after surgery.

How to Reduce Scars after Breast Augmentation

It is vital that patients considering surgery of any kind be aware that scarring will result and is permanent. With that being said, most scars will flatten and fade over time. Fortunately, for our patients in Minneapolis, breast augmentation scars can be improved by following these simple steps:

Learn More about Scar Reduction after Breast Augmentation

To learn more about how to reduce scars after breast augmentation, or to schedule a personal consultation, please contact Mesna Plastic Surgery today.