Rejuvenate Your Skin with a Chemical Peel
Throughout our lives, our skin goes through a lot of punishment as a result of our own biological changes, the sun, and other environmental elements. This damage can leave blemishes and accentuate signs of aging. A chemical peel performed at our Minneapolis, MN, office offers dramatic results that can help patients look younger and more refreshed. If you have fine lines, sun spots, acne scars or other skin blemishes, a chemical peel can help you achieve a more vibrant and youthful skin tone.
A Revitalizing Treatment
A chemical peel involves using a safe, proven acidic solution to remove the outermost layers of skin and reveal the healthy layers underneath. This treatment can be effective for reducing facial blemishes, wrinkles, and skin pigmentation inconsistencies. It can also improve skin texture and tone. Chemical peels can range in intensity from very superficial to deep peels. The deeper peels often require patients to take some time off of work as they heal, while the lighter peels often involve little or no recovery time.

Light Chemical Peels
Superficial chemical peels typically involve alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), and are used to treat fine lines, dry areas of skin, uneven pigmentation, rough texturing, and acne. Patients will experience only light flaking and redness of the skin, and are able to resume normal activities immediately following treatment. Light chemical peels are usually recommended as a series, or as part of a more extensive treatment plan that includes other non-surgical procedures to achieve optimal results.
Moderate Chemical Peels
Moderate chemical peels involve the use of a trichloroacetic acid (TCA), which is stronger than AHAs. Medium peels are typically used to treat surface wrinkles and superficial blemishes. Patients can expect peeling and redness of the treatment area for about one week following treatment, and some patients report minimal swelling. Medium peels may be recommended as a series of treatments for the best outcomes.
Deep Chemical Peels
Deeper chemical peels are the strongest, and offer the most dramatic results. These peels use phenol acid to treat deep wrinkles, major discoloration from aging and sun exposure, pre-cancerous growths, and scarring. Recovery time for these peels can range from one to three weeks, and the skin may take several months to fully heal. A deep peel can offer significant reduction in wrinkles and fine lines for a markedly rejuvenated appearance.
Chemical Peels Vs. Microdermabrasion
The main difference between chemical peels and microdermabrasion is the method of exfoliation. With microdermabrasion, the dead cells in the epidermis are removed with a manual technique rather than a chemical solution. In addition, chemical peels can address deeper blemishes to provide more enhanced results. Moderate to deep chemical peels exfoliate and rejuvenate much deeper than microdermabrasion can.
Combining Skin Treatments
To realize the best possible results, we may recommend that our patients receive a series of chemical peels, or combine them with other skin treatments. We will commonly combine a light or medium peel with micro-needling treatments to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars.
Incredibly Versatile Treatments
More than with any other skin treatment, chemical peels involve a great deal of customization based on your desired results. In addition to coming in three grades - light, moderate, and deep - you can choose from a variety of chemical solutions. Our team will work with you to choose the best options and will supervise your entire treatment to ensure your safety and comfort.
Minor Risks and Minimal Recovery
Chemical peels are very safe procedures that involve minimal risk. Most complications arise from improper care during recovery. Scabbing and scarring are typically rare and can often be avoided with proper application of creams and ointments while the skin heals. With the deeper layers of the epidermis exposed, patients may also experience painful sunburns following overexposure to sunlight.
Patients with sensitive skin or skin conditions should discuss their symptoms with Dr. Mesna and his staff before undergoing treatment. While often used in the treatment of rosacea and other skin conditions, everyone’s skin responds differently to the solutions used in chemical peels. When we know more about your skin, we can recommend proper treatment, and may simply begin with a light chemical peel to get you started.
If you have fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, or areas of skin pigmentation problems that you would like to address, we can tailor a customized treatment plan including chemical peels and other treatments to help you accomplish your aesthetic goals.
Frequently Asked Questions
We can answer any questions or concerns that you have during a consultation, but have provided answers to some of the most common inquiries patients have.
Do Chemical Peels Hurt?
During a light peel, patients usually experience only a light tingling sensation during treatment. We can apply topical anesthetic and provide further sedation for deeper level peels. After a light peel there is typically no discomfort while a moderate peel can result in redness and discomfort similar to a sunburn. After a deep peel, we can prescribe medication to manage any pain you experience.
When Can I Wear Make-up Again After Treatment?
For light chemical peels, you can usually apply make-up within a few hours. For moderate to deep chemical peels, you should discuss the products you use with Dr. Mesna, so he can alert you to possible irritants and help you determine when you can safely resume wearing make-up. After a medium peel, patients can typically wear make-up within a few days, while a deep peel can take a full two weeks or longer.
How do I Quickly and Safely Recover from a Chemical Peel?
Dr. Mesna will provide specific instructions and precautions you should take while recovering. You will need to apply moisturizers and specialized ointments, especially after deeper peels, to prevent scabbing and possible scarring. Some topical solutions and rigorous cleaning practices may be too stressful on sensitive skin for a few days, so be sure to ask Dr. Mesna about a solution that fits your daily routine.
Schedule a Chemical Peel Consultation
If you have fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, or areas of skin pigmentation problems that you would like to address, we can tailor a customized treatment plan including chemical peels and other treatments to help you accomplish your aesthetic goals. To learn more about the different chemical peels that we offer, and how they can help you, please contact our office online or call (952) 927-4556 to make an appointment with one of our skin care experts.