Understanding Your Options for Breast Augmentation Incisions
Dr. Gregory T. Mesna is a skilled surgeon who offers several types of incision patterns to meet his breast augmentation patients' varied needs and goals. It is important to carefully consider the incisions used to insert your breast implants because they will determine the length and visibility of your scars and affect the overall appearance of your enhancement. Dr. Mesna is skilled performing the three major types of incisions: periareolar, inframammary, and transaxillary. He will discuss your individualized treatment to help determine which of these breast augmentation incisions is best for you. Contact our Minneapolis, MN, office today to schedule a consultation and learn more.
Your Incision Options
When you visit our office for the first time, you will undergo a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Mesna to talk about your treatment goals. The type of incisions used during your surgery will be one of several decisions you will make together. It is important to keep in mind the type of implants you select will play a role in which incision options are available to you.
Periareolar Incisions
Periareolar incisions are created on the outer edge of the areolae (the colored area around the nipples). Typically, this incision consists of a half circle made at the bottom edge of each areola. The small scar that results from surgery blends with the pigmentation change between the areolae and the rest of your breasts, meaning it is naturally camouflaged. Periareolar incisions can only be used if you are receiving saline implants, which are deflated and compact during insertion and then filled through a very small tube. In most cases, pre-filled silicone implants are too large for periareolar insertion.
Inframammary Incisions
Inframammary incisions are placed below the breasts, in the crease where each breast meets the ribs. Because they are hidden in this crease, the scarring that results from this type of incision is usually only visible when the breasts are lifted upward. Inframammary incisions are the only type of incision that is commonly used to place both saline and silicone breast implants. Because silicone implants are pre-filled, they require a larger incision than the periareolar or transaxillary techniques. Inframammary incisions allow Dr. Mesna direct access to breast tissue for the most accurate implant placement. This technique is also beneficial for women who plan to breastfeed after augmentation by reducing risk of nerve damage around the nipple.
Transaxillary incisions are created within the armpit. Through this incision, Dr. Mesna can transfer a deflated saline implant shell and fill it once it is in place. This type of incision requires endoscopic surgical techniques and can only be used with saline implants. This type of incision is hidden completely within the crease of the armpit and is also a better option for women who wish to breastfeed in the future.
Natural-looking Results
Regardless of which type of incision pattern you select, Dr. Mesna will take great care to provide beautiful, natural-looking results. He has a very precise suturing technique that can result in smaller, more discreet scars. He will provide explicit directions on caring for your incisions directly following your surgery. We can also show you a special massage technique to help gradually fade the appearance of any scarring.
Learn More During a Consultation
Dr. Mesna is deeply committed to his patients' satisfaction in their aesthetic results. To learn more about breast incision options and which one is right for you, contact Mesna Plastic Surgery today.