Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Breast Augmentation for Tubular/Tuberous Breasts

Dec 17, 2015 @ 12:09 PM — by
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Breast Enhancement

The team at Mesna Plastic Surgery has been helping patients in and around the Minneapolis area achieve their aesthetic goals through high-quality cosmetic procedures. We achieve excellent results here, particularly when it comes to breast augmentation. Breast augmentation surgery can make a major difference to your appearance, and we always strive to achieve the best results possible.

There are many reasons why a woman would consider breast augmentation surgery. One of these is issues with tubular or tuberous breasts. Let's examine this issue in a little more detail right now.

About Tuberous Breasts

Tubular breasts or tuberous breasts refer to a cosmetic flaw in which the breasts fail to fully develop during puberty. It may affect one breast or both breasts. In either case, the condition is often the cause of serious self-consciousness in women since their breasts appear underdeveloped and potentially asymmetrical.

Causes of Tuberous Breasts

Tuberous breasts are a congenital issue, meaning that the condition is present at birth and becomes apparent with the onset of puberty. The exact mechanism at play has yet to be identified, though some research suggests that the condition is related to collagen deposition.

Why Breast Augmentation Is a Good Treatment Option

It's estimated that between 1 percent to 5 percent of all breast augmentation patients are women who experience issues with tuberous breasts. The surgery can help increase breast size and improve breast shape, and it's a great option to consider in cases of asymmetrical breasts.

How Effective Is Breast Augmentation for Tubular Breasts?

Breast augmentation surgery is extremely effective for treating tuberous breasts. By having implants placed, a woman can have breasts that look fully developed and proportionate. This helps reduce the sense of self-consciousness that many women with this condition face.

Determining Proper Implant Size

The best implant size for you and your needs will be determined by your body type and by your surgeon during the consultation process. In general, surgeons will want to make sure the breasts look natural to the patient's frame.

The overall size of the breast implant that's ideal for a patient can vary. Bigger is not necessarily better, though it can have a major impact on the overall quality of the results.

Determining Proper Implant Shape

In addition to considering implant size, it's important that implant shape be considered as well. A proper implant shape will help improve the natural appearance of the breasts. Implants come in either round or teardrop shape, and your surgeon will help determine which shape and size would be most ideal for you.

Other Factors to Consider

In addition to implant size and shape, the profile of the breast implants and the placement of the breast implants relative to the pectoral muscle are also very important to consider. These will help define the final results of surgery.

All of these matters will be discussed in the consultation process so you have realistic expectations about the surgery and what can be achieved.

Schedule a Consultation at Mesna Plastic Surgery

For more information about breast augmentation surgery and how it can help you have the curves and contours you have always wanted, be sure to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery center today. The entire team at Mesna Plastic Surgery looks forward to your visit and helping you with your aesthetic goals.