Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Follow Tummy Tuck Instructions for Your Most Successful Results

Mar 14, 2014 @ 01:58 PM — by
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgery

If you feel unhappy with the appearance of your midsection, a tummy tuck offers you the solution you desire. Excess skin, fat deposits, and lax muscles may result in a tummy that does not look as flat and toned as you desire - even when you commit to daily exercise and careful eating habits. When you elect to undergo a tummy tuck, achieving the best results relies partially on preparing for the surgery. Fortunately, at our Minneapolis practice, Mesna Plastic Surgery, your friendly plastic surgeon has a simple set of tummy tuck instructions to follow that will reduce risk and greatly maximize potential benefits. Get yourself - and your home - ready, and you can begin truly looking forward to the abs of your dreams.

Should I Consider a Tummy Tuck?

Preparing for a tummy tuck includes making the decision with confidence and logic. Make sure you speak with Dr. Mesna and our friendly team if you have any questions or concerns. We encourage you to answer our questions honestly. For example, if you plan on having a child soon, your pregnancy may quickly undo the results of the tummy tuck, so it is best to wait. You may also wish to wait if you plan on losing a great deal of weight. We will need to ensure you are healthy enough for surgery, through an honest discussion about your past and current health, and any medication you take. In addition, excellent candidates have realistic expectations regarding the results of a tummy tuck, and expect great improvement rather than perfection.

Pre-Operative Instructions for Your Body

Before coming in for your tummy tuck procedure, your plastic surgeon asks that you prepare your body. Please look over the following instructions for a clearer understanding of what to expect:

Prepare Your Home Before Your Procedure

Because you will need recovery time, which will include rest and relaxation, you will need to prepare your home before your procedure. You will not be able to bend and stretch until you have healed, so it is important to gather necessary items to set the stage for comfortable recovery before your tummy tuck. Please consider the following instructions:

Schedule an Appointment

Are you dissatisfied with the appearance of your stomach, and wish for tighter, firmer abs? To learn more about a tummy tuck and how to prepare, contact us today, so we can join you on your journey toward the toned midsection you desire.