Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Arm Lift Recovery

Jan 16, 2023 @ 12:05 PM — by Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center
Tagged with: Arm Lift

The upper arms are a common problem area for men and women. Fat deposits tend to collect between the elbow and armpit. The skin can also loosen following significant weight loss, creating saggy “wings.” When diet and exercise fail to tone the arms, arm lift surgery may be the most effective solution.

Dr. Gregory T. Mesna offers arm lift surgery at his Minneapolis, MN, plastic surgery center. An arm lift tightens the upper arms and improves contours. Patients often wonder what to expect during arm lift recovery. Here, we prepare patients for how long it takes to heal from an arm lift and the anticipated surgical side effects.

How Long Is Arm Lift Recovery?

Everyone heals at their own rate, so the length of arm lift recovery can vary slightly for each of our Minneapolis patients. On average, it takes one to two weeks for patients to recover enough to resume work and most other routine activities. It takes longer for the tissues to heal completely. It can take up to six months for inflammation to completely dissipate and for patients to achieve their final arm lift results. Scar tissues take longer to heal. It can take a year for scar tissues to heal, fade, and lighten.

What Are the Side Effects of an Arm Lift?

Patients can expect side effects as they recover from an arm lift. Side effects are a normal reaction as the body heals and sends extra blood and nutrients to the treatment site. Common side effects of an arm lift include:

Arm lift side effects are most severe during the first few days of surgical recovery. As the patient continues to heal, side effects diminish. Patients are prescribed pain medication to manage discomfort. Pain and bruising usually resolve within a week or two of treatment. Inflammation can linger for several months but should noticeably improve a week or two after surgery.

What Is Arm Lift Aftercare Like?

Dr. Mesna provides his arm lift patients with explicit aftercare instructions following an arm lift. By adhering to these aftercare practices, patients can promote a smooth and timely arm lift recovery.

Contact Us

An arm lift eliminates excess skin and fatty tissues and provides patients with slimmer and more toned arms. If you are interested in finding out if you are an ideal candidate for an arm lift, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gregory T. Mesna. To get started, contact our plastic surgery center online or call (952) 927-4556 at your earliest convenience.