Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Guidelines for Reducing Bleeding after Plastic Surgery

May 16, 2017 @ 10:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery

At Mesna Plastic Surgery, we want your body contouring experience to be as safe and stress-free as possible. That is why Dr. Mesna and his team will explain the surgery and recovery process well in advance. They will also provide tips to speed healing, reduce your risks, and ensure the best possible treatment results. Rest assured that blood loss after cosmetic surgery is minimal, especially when you visit our state-of-the-art Minneapolis, MN practice. Nevertheless, some bleeding is possible. That is why, among other things, we will talk about reducing bleeding after plastic surgery. We will also evaluate current medications, lifestyle, and diet. In many cases, a few easy changes will make your recovery go much more smoothly.

Steps to Take before Your Body Contouring Surgery

Blood thinners can increase your risk of bleeding after surgery because your body will not be able to produce healing clots to seal the blood vessels. Therefore, it is important to discuss all of your current medications with Dr. Mesna before surgery.  Birth control and even non-prescription medications, such as Advil®, can increase your risks. If you cannot safely go off of Coumadin®, Plavix®, or other blood thinners, plastic surgery may not be right for you. However, in many cases, you may be able to stop taking them for a few weeks before and a few weeks after the procedure.

Prescription drugs are not the only things that can thin your blood. Other natural blood thinners include:

You may need to avoid these items for varying lengths of time to protect your health after surgery. Dr. Mesna will provide a personalized timeline.

Rest after Plastic Surgery

Of course, after surgery you should also take steps to prevent excess bleeding. One of the most important is to wear your compression bandages or garments as directed. These devices will not only prevent bleeding. They will also decrease inflammation and help your skin heal firm and taut against the new shape of your body.

You will also need to get plenty of rest. Your recovery time will vary based on the type of plastic surgery that you have, but in general, you will need to take at least a week or two off of work. You should avoid strenuous exercise for longer. Heavy lifting is especially detrimental, as it can open up the incisions and, at the same time, increase blood flow to the area. Dr. Mesna will explain the best times to return to your normal workout.

The Importance of Follow-up Visits

Finally, you should be sure to keep your follow-up visits with your plastic surgeon. Serious side effects are rare, but regular visits will enable Dr. Mesna to monitor your recovery and further ensure your safety. He can also provide more accurate and personalized guidelines for post-surgical diet and exercise. In the unlikely event that you do experience pronounced bleeding, you should call the doctor right away.

Contact Us for More Pre-op Information

To learn more about body contouring and how you can enjoy a successful surgery, contact our office today. With our expert care, your recovery may be easier than you ever thought was possible.