Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Tips for Dealing with Pain After Plastic Surgery

Mar 30, 2017 @ 06:00 PM — by
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery Recovery

Pain and discomfort are common side effects of plastic surgery. It's something you're bound to face if you undergo any sort of cosmetic procedure, whether its an anti-aging surgery or advanced skin tightening and body contouring. The amount of pain is not extreme, however. It's generally manageable and is only temporary.

Many patients who visit our practice here in the Minneapolis area have questions about pain and pain management. Let's cover some of the basics and offer some tips for pain relief and faster healing.

How Long Does Pain and Discomfort Last?

The most soreness and discomfort that patients face will be in the initial day or so of recovery. As the first week after surgery ends, patients will notice far less pain and discomfort. Usually patients will only experience minor soreness in the second week of recovery if they do experience any pain at all.

Focus on Resting and Wellness

In order to ensure quick that's free from serious pain and potential complications, it's important that you get ample rest in the first days after surgery. Be sure to lie in bed as instructed by your surgeon, and to have loved ones with you to help run errands around the home. A little bit of light walking will be recommended to promote blood circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots in the legs.

Use Pain Relief Medications as Directed

Plastic surgery patients will often be prescribed pain relievers of various kinds to address their discomfort. It's important that patients take these drugs as directed and as needed. Never exceed dosage as this can lead to a number of adverse effects.

Take Time Off From Work

If you undergo any sort of cosmetic surgery procedure, you're going to require at least a week off from work. Here are some general guidelines and timelines for common surgical procedures:

Keep in mind that even if you are back on the job, you'll want to take things slowly so you don't aggravate incision sites.

Avoid Strenuous Physical Activities

To prevent re-opening incision sites or causing bouts of soreness, be sure to avoid vigorous exercise and heavy lifting until advised otherwise. You'll usually be able to return to light exercise and activity by the end of a month, depending on the surgery you have undergone. Use walking in the meantime to stay active.

Follow All Post-op Instructions to the Letter

To ensure as little pain as possible while you heal, make note of all post-op instructions that are provided. These all let you know what you should and shouldn't do after your surgery. Following these guidelines closely can help you heal faster and minimize the severity and duration of post-operative pain.

In addition, post-op visits at our plastic surgery center can help us monitor your recovery process. If you have any issues with pain or discomfort, you can discuss them with us at any time and we will make sure your concerns are addressed.

Contact Mesna Plastic Surgery Today

For more information about pain relief and management after a surgical procedure, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon today. The team at our practice looks forward to your visit and discussing these matters in much greater detail.