Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

When Can I Start Exercising after Plastic Surgery?

Mar 17, 2017 @ 12:00 PM — by
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery

Body contouring treatments can help enhance the results of a healthy diet and exercise routine by targeting stubborn areas, like the inner thighs and abdomen. After body contouring, many patients are eager to get back to their normal routines, which often includes exercise.

While exercise is essential for good health and maintaining surgical results, exercising too soon after plastic surgery can increase the risk of complications, which is why plastic surgeon Gregory T. Mesna provides patients with a personalized exercise timeline to follow after plastic surgery. If you live in or around Minneapolis, MN and would like to receive a personalized timeline, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mesna.

A General Exercise Timeline after Plastic Surgery

The amount of time needed to recover before exercising will vary by patient based on personal healing times and the extent of plastic surgery. Patients should seek approval from their surgeon before resuming their exercise routine. With that said, the following is a general timeline regarding exercise after plastic surgery. Your personal timeline may vary.

Schedule a Consultation

For more information about exercise after plastic surgery, or to find out which treatments are right for you, you're encouraged to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mesna.