Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Neck Lift Recovery: Answers to FAQs

Feb 15, 2017 @ 10:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Neck Lift Plastic Surgery

If you are considering neck lift surgery, you will want to know what to expect during the procedure, as well as the recovery period. Dr. Gregory T. Mesna can review what to expect before, during, and after surgery when you meet with him for a consultation at our Minneapolis, MN office. He will also provide you with a detailed post-operative guide so you can have a successful neck lift recovery.

How Much Time Will You Need Off Work?

The total amount of time you will need off work will depend on several factors. Whether you combined your neck lift with another procedure and your adherence to Dr. Mesna’s post-operative instructions can all impact your recovery timeline. Most patients can expect to take at least one week off of work, but may need up to two full weeks.

How Long Will the Pain and Swelling Last?

You will experience some pain, swelling, and bruising over the course of the first few days following surgery. Dr. Mesna will prescribe you pain medication to minimize your discomfort. Your pain should lessen and subside within a few days. It may take up to a week or more for the swelling and bruising to fade. You may experience some tightness in your neck, which can last one to two weeks.

Are There Any Activity Restrictions?

Take it easy the first couple days after your neck lift. You should get up and take short walks around the house several times a day, but otherwise keep your activity to a minimum. You will need to avoid most moderate exercise and simple actions like bending over and lifting objects over 10 pounds for two to three weeks. Dr. Mesna can advise you on when you can return to normal activity levels.

Do I Have to Sleep with My Head Elevated?

Dr. Mesna recommends sleeping with your head elevated for one to two weeks. Sleeping in a chair like a recliner can make keeping your head elevated more comfortable.

When Will My Stitches Be Removed?

Most sutures are not removed until about 10 days following surgery.

How Many Post-operative Appointments Will I Need?

The number of post-operative appointments will vary. Most patients can expect one to two follow-up appointments in the first two weeks after surgery. You may have several more over the course of the six to eight weeks that follow. During these visits, Dr. Mesna will monitor your healing, answer any questions, and advise you on increasing your activity levels.

Will My Scars Be Visible?

Dr. Mesna makes every effort to minimize visible scarring from neck lift surgery. In most cases, he can conceal the scars beneath the chin. Closely following his post-operative instructions can help your incisions heal, keeping scarring to a minimum.

Schedule a Neck Lift Consultation Today

If you have additional questions or concerns about neck lift surgery, contact our plastic surgery office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mesna. He can address all your questions and concerns when you meet with him.