Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

The Risk of Nipple Sensation Loss after Breast Lift Surgery

Dec 23, 2016 @ 10:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Breast Lift Plastic Surgery

Over time, the effects of gravity, pregnancy, nursing, hormonal changes, and simple aging can cause the breasts to begin to sag and droop. The skin of the breasts can lose its elasticity, leading to ptosis, the clinical term for sagging. Especially among women whose breasts were larger and heavier to begin with, the aesthetic effects can be pronounced, making them look and feel older than they actually are. Fortunately, plastic surgery offers a potentially ideal solution in the form of breast lift surgery.

Through breast lift surgery, women can elevate their breasts to a more youthful position on their chests, improving their profile and restoring their overall body contours. For women who want to add volume to their breasts while simultaneously rejuvenating their figures, breast lift can easily be combined with breast augmentation with implants. Whatever a woman’s needs and goals, breast lift surgery allows a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon such as Dr. Gregory T. Mesna the creative leeway to meet them.

However, breast lift is a major surgical procedure and, as such, does carry a certain degree of risk. One of the risks associated with breast lift is the loss of nipple sensation. Although entrusting your surgery to a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Mesna will help to minimize the risk of complications, there is no such thing as a risk-free surgery. This is why Dr. Mesna is careful to discuss the issue of breast lift and loss of nipple sensation during consultations at his Minneapolis, MN plastic surgery practice. He wants patients to understand both the benefits and the risks associated with any procedure before they commit to undergoing surgery.

Is breast lift right for you? To find out for yourself, please schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Gregory T. Mesna at Mesna Plastic Surgery today.

How Likely Is a Patient to Lose Nipple Sensation after Breast Lift?

Let’s begin with a very straightforward, honest answer to this question: loss of nipple sensation is possible with any breast lift surgery, regardless of the technique used or whether it is combined with breast augmentation. However, the degree of the risk depends on several factors:

It is worth noting that, nationwide, approximately 70 percent of patients do not lose any nipple sensation after breast lift surgery, regardless of the above factors. Another 15 percent may lose some nipple sensation, but the loss is temporary. Of the remaining 15 percent, the permanent loss ranges from partial to complete. At Mesna Plastic Surgery, our results compare favorably to these national averages.

Learn More about Breast Lift and the Loss of Nipple Sensation

To learn more about breast lift and the loss of nipple sensation, please contact Mesna Plastic Surgery today.