Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

What Are the Potential Side Effects of Neck Lift Surgery?

Dec 15, 2016 @ 10:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Neck Lift Plastic Surgery

Whether a result of aging, weight loss, or sun damage, loose skin on the neck can leave patients looking and feeling older than they are. Unfortunately, once loose neck skin develops, it's difficult or impossible to get rid of with diet and exercise. Neck lift surgery can help those who are unhappy with the appearance of loose, sagging neck skin to achieve a slender and more youthful neck and jaw line. However, as with any surgery, there are some potential side effects to be aware of when considering the neck lift procedure. For more information about neck lift side effects, schedule a consultation with Minneapolis, MN plastic surgeon Gregory T. Mesna.

The Neck Lift Procedure

The neck lift procedure takes about two to three hours and may be performed in combination with other facial surgeries for a completely rejuvenated look. Each surgery will vary based on the patient needs and desired goals.

A typical neck lift procedure is generally performed by making small incisions behind the ears and under the chin. Excess fat is then removed and the underlying muscles and tissues may be tightened. Once the desired tautness is achieved, excess tissue is removed and the incisions are sutured closed to complete treatment.

The Side Effects of Neck Lift Surgery

Some side effects may be expected after neck lift surgery. Some of the most common side effects include:

Candidates for Neck Lift Surgery

Neck lift surgery can result in a more slender, defined neck and jaw line, but it is not right for everyone. Candidates for neck lift surgery should be in good health with sufficient elasticity to their skin. Men and women between the ages of 40 and 80 that are unhappy with one or more of the follow issues may benefit from neck lift surgery:

Find Out if the Neck Lift Procedure Is Right for You

If you long for a slender, defined neck, the neck lift procedure may be right for you. To find out if you're a candidate, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mesna today.