Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Combat Cellulite with VelaShape®

Mar 1, 2016 @ 10:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Velashape Liposuction

If you're unhappy with the appearance of cellulite dimpled thighs, stomach, or buttocks, Velashape® may be the treatment you've been waiting for. VelaShape® can reduce the appearance of cellulite, creating smoother, firmer skin patients will be proud to show off. Learn more about VelaShape® and cellulite reduction in this overview from Minnesota, MN plastic surgeon Gregory T. Mesna.

What Is VelaShape®?

VelaShape® is a non-invasive treatment that combines different technologies for long-lasting results. Using infrared light, vacuum techniques, and bi-polar radio frequency energy, VelaShape® stimulates collagen production to reveal smoother, firmer skin. VelaShape® can help reduce the appearance of cellulite and localized fat deposits with little discomfort and without the need for recovery downtime.

What to Expect During the VelaShape® Procedure 

VelaShape® treatment begins with a special lotion that is applied to the treatment areas. Next, a handheld device is used to administer infrared light, bi-polar radio frequency energy, and vacuum suction to the skin. The handheld device is moved in circular motions on the surface of the skin to allow the heat from the infrared light and radio energy waves to target and melt fat cells while encouraging collagen and elastin growth, improving skin structure and reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Most patients find VelaShape® treatment painless and equate it to a warm, deep-tissue massage. After treatment, the skin may look pink and feel warm where treatment was performed. Any pinkness or warmth generally subsides within a few hours after treatment. Because VelaShape® treatment is non-invasive, patients may return to their normal activities after treatment. Patients may begin to see improved skin texture as early as two weeks after the procedure. For best results, VelaShape® treatment may be done once a week for four to six weeks followed by touchups every few months.

The Benefits of VelaShape®

VelaShape® can dramatically improve the appearance of areas affected by cellulite, including the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. Patients who undergo VelaShape® treatment enjoy many benefits, including:

Are You a Candidate for VelaShape®?

VelaShape® can help reduce inches around the thighs, abdomen, and other areas of the body. However, it is not a weight-loss treatment, rather it helps firm and smooth skin for a more contoured appearance. Because VelaShape® is not a weight-loss treatment, patients should be near their ideal weight but wish to reduce the appearance of visible cellulite.

Discover Your Treatment Options

For answers to your questions about the VelaShape® procedure, or to discuss other treatment options, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mesna today.