Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Turning Back the Clock with Breast Lift after Pregnancy

Jul 1, 2014 @ 10:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Breast Lift Plastic Surgery

For all of the many rewards of pregnancy and childbirth, one particular fact remains beyond dispute: a woman’s body is never quite the same afterwards. For many women, this is a perfectly acceptable side effect of motherhood. For others, however, the loss of their pre-pregnancy figures is a source of self-consciousness and even depression.

Fortunately, plastic surgery offers a series of solutions that allow women to regain the beautiful, youthful contours they had prior to giving birth. One of the most popular of these surgical solutions is breast lift. At Mesna Plastic Surgery in Minneapolis, breast lift after pregnancy is performed to correct the sagging of the breasts that often occurs after childbirth. Many women emerge from surgery looking and feeling better and more attractive than they had even before they were pregnant.

Dr. Gregory T. Mesna is a true master of aesthetically pleasing, minimally invasive plastic surgery, continually producing results that enhance his patients’ natural beauty while improving their self-image. Mothers who wish to rejuvenate their figures can undergo breast lift surgery on its own or in conjunction with other high-quality body contouring procedures as part of a comprehensive “mommy makeover” plan. Dr. Mesna customizes every procedure he performs to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual patient.

Why Pregnancy Results in Physical Changes to the Breasts

Few mothers retain their shapely, youthful breasts after pregnancy, especially if they breastfeed or have multiple children. The body experiences many changes during pregnancy, including increases in the size and weight of the breasts. As the breasts become larger and heavier, the skin stretches, sometimes dramatically. After months of being stretched, the skin loses some of its natural elasticity. When the breasts lose some of their fullness after pregnancy, the skin often fails to “bounce back” to its original shape. As a result, many women’s breasts remain lower on their chests, giving them a permanent sagging appearance. In general, no amount of exercise, dieting, or other healthy lifestyle habits will cause the breasts to return to their pre-pregnancy form.

Breast Lift

The breast lift procedure is designed to raise the breasts to a higher position on the chest while giving them a more youthful profile so that the nipples point outward or, if desired, slightly upward rather than downward. Through incisions made subtly around the areola and in the crease below the breast, Dr. Mesna removes excess skin, fat, and other tissues to make the breasts lighter and relieve drooping. The procedure can be performed with or without the addition of breast implants, depending on whether the patient desires larger breasts than she had prior to pregnancy.

If the patient prefers, breast lift can be combined with other plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction, abdominoplasty, and various body lift procedures as part of a customized mommy makeover.

Learn More about Breast Lift after Pregnancy

If you would like to learn more about breast lift after pregnancy and how you might benefit from the procedure, we urge you to contact Mesna Plastic Surgery today.