Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Liposuction of the Stomach

Jun 1, 2014 @ 10:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Liposuction Plastic Surgery

Liposuction is one of the safest and most effective, not to mention one of the most time-tested, procedures in aesthetic plastic surgery. The procedure has helped millions of people in the United States and around the world address isolated deposits of fat on their bodies safely and permanently. It is a potentially ideal treatment for anyone who has struggled to tone his or her body through diet and exercise only to be left with stubborn lumps of fat cells that simply will not disappear.

At Mesna Plastic Surgery in Minneapolis, stomach liposuction - more properly called liposuction of the abdomen - is among the most popular requests made by our patients. The abdominal region can be especially (and frustratingly) resistant to diet and exercise, with small but obvious bulges remaining even after significant weight loss. Liposuction can smooth out these bulges and create slimmer, trimmer abdominal contours through the targeted removal of fat. Especially when performed by a plastic surgeon with the skill and experience of Dr. Gregory T. Mesna, liposuction is one of the safest and most transformative procedures in aesthetic medicine.

How Abdominal Liposuction Works

If you are at or near your ideal weight, you may wonder why your contours are not as smooth and refined as, say, those of the models you see in ads and on television. What do they have that you don’t? There’s a good chance that the answer is “a good plastic surgeon.”

For most people, fatty deposits are just a reality of life. They are not a sign of poor health, lack of exercise, or a bad diet necessarily; they simply form over time whether due to genetics, pregnancy, or the residual effects of fluctuations in weight. Among people who lose massive amounts of weight, these isolated pockets of fat are almost inevitable, particularly in the abdominal region.

Liposuction addresses these fatty deposits through the removal of fat cells via a suction device called a cannula. Although Dr. Mesna offers a variety of liposuction techniques, each of them operates on the same basic principle: fat cells are targeted, liquefied, and removed. Once they have been removed, they will not regenerate, leaving the area permanently smoother. While side effects such as swelling, bruising, and soreness are extremely common after liposuction, long-term complications are exceedingly rare.

Patients who undergo liposuction of the abdomen must be committed to leading healthy lifestyles after surgery. The greatest benefit of liposuction - its permanence - can also be its greatest risk. Because the fat cells removed from an area will not return, the treated area will not expand in proportion with the rest of the abdomen in the event that a patient gains significant weight. The treated area will instead appear quite different in tone and texture from the surrounding abdominal tissues.

For patients who are willing to watch their weight and exercise regularly after surgery, however, abdominal liposuction can be a true blessing.

Learn More about Abdominal Liposuction

If you are interested in learning more about liposuction of the abdominal region, or if you would like to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Mesna, please contact our plastic surgery center today.