Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Caring for Your Skin with Professional Products

Nov 27, 2013 @ 12:31 PM — by
Tagged with: Skin Care Products Skin Care

Plastic surgeon Gregory T. Mesna is known throughout the country for the consistently excellent surgical results he produces. However, he also offers a full range of non-surgical options, including several lines of pharmaceutical grade skin care products. At Mesna Plastic Surgery in Minneapolis, skin care products from NEOCUTIS®, Clarisonic®, iS Clinical®, and other renowned skin care experts are available to patients who wish to rejuvenate their skin without undergoing plastic surgery. These highly effective products may also be prescribed to enhance and maintain results achieved through plastic surgery.

Many people don’t realize that the difference between over-the-counter skin care products and professional, prescription-strength skin care products is substantial. We urge you to consider the many benefits of professional skin care products and then learn more about how they can help you achieve smooth, glowing skin during a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Mesna.

Benefit #1: Superior Quality

The skin care products available at Mesna Plastic Surgery are made of only the finest ingredients in precise combinations. Some of our skin care products contain ingredients that are available only in prescription-strength products, while others contain ingredients in concentrations that are not possible in over-the-counter products. All of our skin care products are produced by companies with long-standing reputations for providing superior products, and they will only attach their names to products that work.

Benefit #2: Efficacy

Over-the-counter skin care products are designed to benefit as wide a range of people as possible without causing any undesirable side effects. Because regimens involving professional skin care products are supervised by experienced medical professionals such as Dr. Mesna, the strength of these products can be stronger and more specialized in terms of who can use them. Dr. Mesna can prescribe a product or combination of products that will be extremely effective in your specific skin type and unique needs and goals, even though that same product or combination might be wholly inappropriate for many or even most other patients.

Benefit #3: Speed

Professional skin care products are designed to work quickly and efficiently. While over-the-counter products can take months, if not years, to produce visible results, the professional skin care products available at Mesna Plastic Surgery are designed to produce fast, and in some cases, immediately visible improvements.

Benefit #4: Cost-effectiveness

Are professional skin care products often more expensive than over-the-counter options?  Yes. In the end, however, they are also usually far more cost-effective in the long run. When you turn to Dr. Mesna for your skin care needs, you can rest assured that you will benefit from a skin care regimen that is designed around your unique needs and goals and that it will be safe, effective, and supervised by professionals who care. With over-the-counter products, you may end up spending far more in your attempts to find the right combination of products, potentially experiencing some less-than-desirable results along the way. Once you hit upon the right combination, you may find it more costly in terms of both time and money to achieve the results you desire.

Learn More about the Benefits of Professional Skin Care Products

If you are interested in learning more about the many benefits of professional skin care products, please contact Mesna Plastic Surgery today.