Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Facelift Side Effects

Sep 13, 2013 @ 12:17 PM — by
Tagged with: Facelift Plastic Surgery

Like all surgical procedures, facelift surgery is associated with some side effects and risks. An experienced surgeon can help minimize the risks associated with the facelift procedure. Read on to learn about the risks and side effects of the facelift plastic surgery procedure.

The Risks and Side Effects of Facelift Surgery

The risks and side effects of facelift surgery vary based on individual health and other factors like smoking, which can increase the risk for developing complications or other side effects. Though each person's experience following the facelift procedure is unique to the individual, the following are some possible side effects to be aware of.

Contact Mesna Plastic Surgery Today!

Though facelift surgery is relatively safe, it is important to understand the possible side effects associated with this treatment. To discuss your specific risks and treatment options, schedule a consultation with Dr. Mesna today!