Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

What is Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Jun 14, 2013 @ 11:42 AM — by
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty Facial Plastic Surgery

Rhinoplasty (nose job) surgery can really make a difference when it comes to your overall appearance. Just altering a bump or ridge on the nose can leave you looking much different. It's just the nature of facial aesthetics: one minor change can mean all the difference.

Even though rhinoplasty is very effective, there are times when a second rhinoplasty surgery procedure needs to be performed. This is known as revision rhinoplasty at our cosmetic surgery center serving Minneapolis-St. Paul. Plastic surgery patients will be able to learn much more about revision rhinoplasty when they come to our practice for a consultation. In the meantime, we'd like to go over the basics of the surgery so you know what to expect.

About Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty is a nose surgery that is performed following the initial rhinoplasty. It is a corrective and reconstructive procedure which may either be elective or medically necessary depending on the needs of the patient.

Is revision rhinoplasty common?

Revision rhinoplasty isn't very common at our practice. Our cosmetic surgeon serving Minneapolis takes good care when performing surgical procedures, and the patients who visit us tend to be very attentive when it comes to pre-operative and post-operative care. A secondary surgery is sometimes necessary, however, which is why we're discussing it as a possibility right now.

Revision Rhinoplasty for Cosmetic Issues

One reason that people undergo revision rhinoplasty is because they are not satisfied with the results of their initial surgery. The revision rhinoplasty will help patients achieve their aesthetic goals if they were not met the first time around.

Revision Rhinoplasty to Address Surgical Complications

Following a Minneapolis rhinoplasty, complications may occur in the recovery process. These complications -- such as infection -- can be a threat to overall wellness as well as the appearance. Revision rhinoplasty in these cases will be done in order to restore a patient's overall well being.

Revision Rhinoplasty In Case of Injury

When a patient is recovering from rhinoplasty surgery, his or her nose will be very tender and sensitive to contact. The nose is especially susceptible to injury during this time, which means a revision surgery could be necessary simply in order to prevent the nose from healing crooked or in a flawed matter.

How Revision Rhinoplasty Will Be Performed

As with any secondary facial plastic surgery, we will work our hardest to prevent additional scarring. This means working through the existing incisions from the first surgery when possible. If additional or different incisions are required, the rhinoplasty will be performed the same way that a primary rhinoplasty would be performed:

Learn More About Revision Rhinoplasty

If you would like more information about rhinoplasty and your many other options for facial enhancement and rejuvenation, be sure to contact our cosmetic surgery center serving Minneapolis today. The entire team here is eager to meet you in person and discuss all of your aesthetic goals in greater detail.