Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Breast Reduction Candidates

Oct 24, 2012 @ 04:17 PM — by
Tagged with: Breast Reduction Plastic Surgery

Breast reduction can relieve chronic pain and increase a person’s ability to participate in physical activities such as sports, while also promoting a more positive self-image. If large breasts are negatively impacting your life, preventing you from engaging in physical activities, or affecting your self-image, you may benefit from breast reduction.

Breast Reduction Candidates: Women

Very large breasts can cause chronic neck, shoulder, and back pain. Large breasts can make it difficult to nearly impossible to exercise and participate in sports, and can even make it difficult to find clothing that fits properly. Edina plastic surgery patients with large breasts that interfere with their daily activities and cause them physical pain are usually ideal candidates for breast reduction. Because the procedure is often performed to alleviate physical pain and discomfort, many insurance plans will offer coverage for the procedure. Breast reduction can alleviate discomfort resulting from the weight of the breasts, in addition to bringing the breasts into better proportion with the rest of the body. You may benefit from breast reduction if you have any of these issues:

For our patients in Edina, breast reduction can restore a more proportionate contour while also relieving pain. The majority of our Edina breast augmentation patients who have undergone breast reduction surgery also experience an immediate boost in self-confidence following the procedure.

Breast Reduction Candidates: Men

Enlarged breasts, or gynecomastia, in men is an unfortunate yet common condition. Weight gain, genetics, hormonal imbalances, certain diseases, and certain medications can cause an over-development of breast tissue in men. Gynecomastia may be present in one or both breasts. Many of our gynecomastia patients suffer in silence and do their best to hide the condition. It is common for men with abnormally large breasts to avoid intimate relationships and activities that may require them to remove their shirts, such as swimming. Men with pronounced breast tissue may experience feelings of shame, embarrassment, and even anxiety. If you have excessive localized fat, excessive development of glandular tissue, or the combination of excessive localized fat and the excessive development of glandular tissue, you may benefit from breast reduction surgery.

In order to qualify for male breast reduction, your breast development must have stabilized, you must be in good overall health, and your weight must be close to normal for your size and body type. Because weight gain can cause the over-development of breast tissue, patients must be at a healthy body weight before undergoing surgery. If you are suffering from gynecomastia, you may be a candidate for male breast reduction.

Contact Mesna Plastic Surgery

If you are experiencing pain, restricted activity, or embarrassment due to your large breasts, you may be an ideal candidate for breast reduction. To learn more about breast reduction, or to schedule a personal, confidential consultation, please contact Mesna Plastic Surgery today. Edina plastic surgeon Gregory T. Mesna and his skilled staff would be happy to answer any questions you may have.